Monday, March 25, 2013

Beginning XML, 5th Edition

Beginning XML, 5th Edition

Authors Year Pages Publisher Dimensions, inch. File type Size, Mb First 20 pages
Joe Fawcett
Danny Ayers
Liam R. E. Quin
2012 868 Wrox; 5 edition 7.38х9.25 DjVu 11 First 20 pages

Book Description
A complete update covering the many advances to the XML language
The XML language has become the standard for writing documents on the Internet and is constantly improving and evolving. This new edition covers all the many new XML-based technologies that have appeared since the previous edition four years ago, providing you with an up-to-date introductory guide and reference. Packed with real-world code examples, best practices, and in-depth coverage of the most important and relevant topics, this authoritative resource explores both the advantages and disadvantages of XML and addresses the most current standards and uses of XML.

  • Features the most updated content built on audience feedback from the previous edition as well as the vast knowledge from XML developer teams
  • Boasts new chapters on RELAX NG and Schematron, XML functionality in databases, LINQ to XML, Jabber and XMLPP, XHTML, HTML5, and more
  • Offers in-depth coverage on extracting data from XML and updated material on Web Services

Beginning XML, Fifth Edition delivers the most important aspects of XML in regard to what it is, how it works, what technologies surround it, and how it can best be used in a variety of situations. 11

Detailed explanation: ID 10009

Editorial Reviews
Dive into the key aspects of XML to deliver data on the web

From simple data transfers to providing multi-channeled content, there's so much you can do with XML and this guide will get you started. It walks you through everything you need to know about this powerful language, including what it is, how it works, what technologies accompany it, and how you can apply it. You'll quickly discover how to manipulate XML documents, store XML in databases, extract data, utilize web services, and even use it for web page and image display. With the help of a case study, you'll even learn how to apply this information to give your programming a boost.

Beginning XML, 5th Edition

  • Covers the goals of XML and the rules for constructing it
  • Explores different techniques that help you verify that the XML is in the correct format
  • Shows how to work with XQuery to create new XML documents and query existing data
  • Explains how to retrieve data using DOM, XPath, and LINQ to XML
  • Examines programming techniques specifically designed to cope with large documents
  • Details how to present data for use by different systems
  • Demonstrates a realistic XML pipeline used in a publishing business

About the Author
Joe Fawcett is the head of software at Kaplan Financial and was one of the first Microsoft MVPs for XML.
Liam R. E. Quin is the W3C XML Activity Lead and is also active in XQuery, XSLT, XML, CSS, and other W3C projects.
Danny Ayers works for Talis on applications for their hosted semantic web platform.

Customer Reviews

Truly the "Bible" of the most important applications October 20, 2012

Nearly 900 pages for $23 bucks? These folks live in the real world of budgets! The promo material on this text says that XML is for "document handling." Well, that's correct in some senses, but XML is far more important than that-- it's a little more than a Xerox machine with a network chip. It actually is about information management and standards. If you're an educator, you've likely run into Bill Clinton's (infamous?) SCORM standards, which in a nutshell, tell e-learning folks about the XML files they need to generate to follow certain rules. If you get into it deeply, you'll see the rules are about assuming folks are dishonest, and making sure it's Jimmy taking that online exam, not Joanie.

If you know a little HTML, that's all you really need to get started here. The authors step us through with a very nice pace, building on each section without assuming we're already HTML or CSS experts. Remember, XML is a document storage, transmission and management STANDARD, NOT a "display" language where you can add some tags and "go bold." In fact, XML has to depend on other languages to do everything else around it's standard-- and doesn't even have "native" tags. If you're turning your website into a database or search driven document behemoth, you'll likely be investing in LINQ, SQL and PDF conversions from and to XML to make your system work.

There are a couple other books out there on XML, but they are outdated. This 5th Edition has ALL the latest "plug ins" surrounding XML, and without them you'd really be out of date! SEO folks will love this, because it takes the usual "Google secret Numerical Analysis" formulas and raises them a step up to sleek compliance details that will optimize how the spiders see your pages. Like the donkey, if you don't whack the spider on the head with compliance and best info practices first, who cares how great the metas are if it doesn't look at them?

Who else? ANYONE whose life is data management intensive. I'm CTO at a worldwide Body of Knowledge DBMS firm (iabok dot org) and our daily routine includes HUGE documents, and is all about Taxonomy and data management, storage and retrieval. So, here's a list: Publishers, Lawyers, Educators, SEO folk, Web Designers, Archivists, Librarians, ISPs, Internet semantics folk, Search folk, Router and Network folk, Global CFO's required to report in XBRL/XML to SEC by 2013... etc.

Ontology in philosophy is about whether things are real or not, in DBMS it's about filters-- what we accept and reject, and why. XML was created assuming that someday information would become so massive, we'd need a special language just to direct traffic. Someday is here. People creating the best data driven web services don't use XML because they "have to" to comply with standards that the spiders like, they do so because it is a ROCKING language that handles huge chunks of info very efficiently when you surround it with it's favorite tools. XML also is the "heart" of many other X languages (like the aforementioned XBRL), which use it's attributes to populate their namespace ISO's, schemas and even rule details.

This book will meet your needs even if you only "have" to use XML due to a standard, but will also be really helpful and enjoyable if you also are trying to get or stay up to date on best practices not only for the "right" way to do things, but also the most enjoyable, efficient and effective. Out in IT land those two rarely go together, but in XML land, with texts like this to show us the links, they do.

Written clearly enough for self study, but would also make a great text for a course. Would you skim, read, study or refer to this? With a lot of HTML knowledge-- skim and refer, as a beginner, read and study, then skim and refer as you grow. Yep, definitely works for more than one narrow audience.

Good beginner book March 15, 2013
By Jason Mcallister

I'm a relative beginner to XML and XSLT. I'm able to follow the examples and make sense of it. Has both beginner and advanced topics.

Book is filled full of errors, typos and confusion March 5, 2013
By C. Wilson

I know many people may be forced to use this book for a college XML course, if so I do feel bad for you. The book and the try-it-out examples are fraught with errors, poor grammar, and missing files. In my class, we have found over two dozen errors in the text and we are only through chapter 6. I feel like I spend more time trying to figure out what the book is trying to say than I do with actually learning XML. I think with a lot of proof reading and testing, this book could truly be an excellent BEGINNING Xml book but in its current state, it is very hard for a beginner like myself to sort through the mess.

I would steer clear of this book if you can and hopefully the authors will come out with a sixth edition sooner rather than later with corrected material.

Detailed explanation: ID 10009

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