Friday, March 29, 2013

Drupal 7 Development by Example Beginner's Guide

Drupal 7 Development by Example Beginner's Guide 

Authors Year Pages Publisher Dimensions, inch. File type Size, Mb First 20 pages
Walter Savitch
Kenrick Mock
2012 1306 Addison-Wesley; 5 edition 3.50x4,32 PDF 7 First 20 pages

Book Description
Follow the creation of a Drupal website to learn, by example, the key concepts of Drupal 7 development and HTML5

  • A hands-on, example-driven guide to programming Drupal websites
  • Discover a number of new features for Drupal 7 through practical and interesting examples while building a fully functional recipe sharing website
  • Learn about web content management, multi-media integration, and e-commerce in Drupal 7

In Detail

Drupal is a powerful PHP content management system that allows you to build a wide variety of websites. By combining the power of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS, you can develop and customize a fully-functional, world-class website. This book also covers some important changes from Drupal 6 to version 7, so even experienced Drupal users will find this straightforward guide useful.

Drupal 7 Development by Example Beginner's Guide has numerous code examples that will not only introduce new Drupal 7 development concepts, but will give you the skills needed to build a world-class Drupal website. By following the development of a recipe-sharing, e-commerce site, you will quickly and easily get your own Drupal site up and running.

Starting from a solid Drupal 7development environment, this book will show you how to extend Drupal with front- end code using Ajax, jQuery, and server side PHP. In addition to learning how to integrate HTML5, the book will cover responsive web design, and cutting edge CSS3. Using the example of an e-commerce and social networking site, this book will develop your Drupal programming skills so that you will be capable of developing advanced code good enough to be shared with the Drupal community.

What you will learn from this book

  • Build cutting edge websites with Drupal 7
  • Discover important concepts for HTML5 and why it's time to start building websites with HTML5, if you haven't already
  • Learn important patterns for JavaScript and AJAX in Drupal 7
  • Realize interesting ways to integrate multi-media with Drupal 7
  • Find out how becoming more involved with the Drupal development community can help you build better websites
  • Set up a development environment, and learn to use Git and Drush
  • Learn how to do e-commerce with Drupal 7
  • Uncover how much fun it can be to build websites with Drupal 7


As part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, this book will walk the reader through straightforward examples that show the creation of an e-commerce site built on Drupal.

Who this book is written for

This book is for people who have some experience building websites and who want to learn to do so with Drupal 7. You should have experience with HTML markup, CSS, and jQuery. Experience with previous versions of Drupal would be helpful, but is not necessary.

Detailed explanation: ID 10020

About the Author
Kurt Madel is a Senior Manager and developer for Captech Consulting in Richmond, VA. He has worked on open source CMS projects for over six years. Kurt contributes regularly to, and is the maintainer of several modules. In addition to Drupal, Kurt has been doing Java EE development since 2000, and has focused on mobile web development over the last two years. When he is not writing or programming, Kurt enjoys cycling and spending time with his wife and four boys.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
Practical book, but not for absolute beginners August 30, 2012
By zs

The book gives a glimpse of professional drupal module development, with the professional tools, like Git, drush and Aptana. It also touches the topic of other important technologies of today, like HTML5, microdata, JQuery, AJAX. It creates a recipe module from scratch using the most important Drupal modules, like webform and views. The process is very detailed, just like sitting next to the programmer and watching him coding and clicking on the UI. Basically this is also the problem with the book. There is little explanation about how the code works, so you either have to use the Drupal API and other Drupal handbooks frequently, or you have to be already familiar with basic Drupal hooks and functions. The audience is not defined, but I think it is most useful for folks like me, who are not yet experienced drupallers, but have already read some books or tutorials. Reading all this hook_info and hook_view functions made me realize how easy it is to create widgets or field formatters. Nevertheless, it shouldn't be your first drupal book, but the second or third.

Best Drupal development book for beginners I've read June 27, 2012
By Igor Flista

Despite some mistakes It's the greater book by far for beginners. By beginners I mean you already need to understand PHP, HTML and jQuery already.

Good learning tool for intermediate developers new to Drupal 7. September 4, 2012
By jb

This book is a good learning tool for intermediate developers. It is not a beginners book, despite the title. The introduction clearly states that you "should have experience with HTML markup, CSS and jQuery." An addition prerequisite would be a fairly reasonable understanding PHP. With that being said, this is a good introduction to Drupal 7.

The book first takes the reader through the installation of a web server with PHP and mySQL (XAMP), Git, drush, the Aptana IDE and finally Drupal 7. This is a bit unnecessary, but does touch upon some system modifications necessary to avoid pitfalls.

I did like the layout and the explanation of each Drupal element addressed. The author does an excellent job of reviewing each element, module, etc. found in a basic recipe website and builds upon it throughout the book. A section called "What just happened?" is provided to review and summarize each example.

Overall, the book is quite useful and will provide a new Drupal 7 developer with many of the basics to build upon.

Detailed explanation: ID 10020

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