Tuesday, March 26, 2013

C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures 5th edition

C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures 5th edition

Authors Year Pages Publisher Dimensions, inch. File type Size, Mb First 20 pages
D. S. Malik 2010 1617 Course Technology; 5 edition 3.5х4.4 PDF 27 First 20 pages

Book Description
C++ PROGRAMMING: PROGRAM DESIGN INCLUDING DATA STRUCTURES remains the definitive text for the CS1/CS1 course sequence. In this new fifth edition, D.S. Malik continues to employ his student-focused, example-based methodology to teach C++ Programming to introductory computing students. Changes to this edition include new debugging sections in each chapter and a multitude of new and updated exercises. All syntax is explained thoroughly and reinforced through extensive examples and diagrams, and each chapter is full of helpful self-study tools such as complete programming examples. C++ PROGRAMMING: PROGRAM DESIGN INCLUDING DATA STRUCTURES will motivate to students to understand the "why?" behind key C++ concepts.

Detailed explanation: ID 10012

Editorial Reviews
"I purchased your book "C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures" in order to cram for the ACM competition and found it to be just right for my learning requirements. Informative and to the point, it?s exactly what I needed! Thank you for writing such a great book." - Louise Dallimore, Murdoch University --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
About the Author
D.S. Malik is a Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Creighton University. He received his Ph.D. from Ohio University in 1985. He has published more than 45 papers and 18 books on abstract algebra, applied mathematics, fuzzy automata theory and languages, fuzzy logic and its applications, programming, data structures, and discrete mathematics.

Customer Reviews

Did not get a response, March 8, 2013
By H. Wang
This review is from: C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures (Paperback)
I was not able to return my book after figuring out that the version was older than what I needed.

Good textbook, not for self-teaching, November 28, 2012
By JAYNESS the Great
A required text for two of my computer science classes. It's well organized and I enjoyed working through the book, however, I would not recommend it for people who JUST want to learn how to program in C++.

Author Doesn't Understand Object-Oriented Programming, June 13, 2012
By Jeffrey K. Smith
It's only taken me a couple of weeks in a course using this book to realize that the author simply does not understand object-oriented programming. Since a person is not an address, does it make any sense to define a Person class that is derived from an Address class? Wouldn't it be more logical to define a Person class that has a data member that is of the Address class? And a Circle class that is derived from a Point class? Seriously? And an object can only access its non-public members if it is declared in a method??? Huh??? This book is just riddled with mistakes like this. Completely inexcusable. And what's with the non-standard naming convention? I've never seen anyone else have file names like addressType.h and addressTypeImp.cpp. And
#ifndef H_ADDRESSTYPE rather then #ifndef ADDRESSTYPE_H? Just to be different?

Beyond this, the book reads like it was written for high school students. The overly long, overly wordy text is pure agony to read if you have any programming background at all. With its bloated, sprawling prose, it is completely worthless as a reference. Did the author get paid by the word?

A book that's completely worthless as a learning tool and completely worthless as a reference doesn't have a whole lot of value. I wonder why any publisher bothered to publish it. At the minimum, the author should be required to take a writing class before the next edition is released.

Lazy., May 13, 2012
By A.W
This book is on the 5th edition. I don't know what edition the glossary is for but it sure isn't this one. Only the first hundred or so pages match to definitions, so if you want to find, say, the 'switch' section in page 606 or so, good luck digging back and forth to find it. Not only that but this book is written in a way that makes you want to... I don't know. Kill yourself? I don't know what changes come with their 'new' editions but I'm guessing it's just a way for them to make more and more money off of more and more people. This is awful and lazy and I've been trying to get through this for three months now at least. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to find a term to study come midterm time and not being able to find it anywhere. Seriously.

Best C++ text (so far), February 21, 2012
By ERandall Nelson (Terra, Milky Way, Local Cluster, Virgo SC)
Purchased this textbook for an online class. Self-teaching, I've had difficulty assimilating the pointer concept and it's usage.
Reading ahead, I've discovered Malik's approach to the subject illuminating. As in: "I get it! (With mandatory light-bulb.)" Didn't happen with other C++ textbooks I've tried so far--as good as they were.
My other major conceptual roadblock, classes, is the end of the next semester's class. Wish me luck.

No Good For Students., February 9, 2012
By Irritated Student
Absolutely terrible - all explanations take far longer than they should, and examples take up almost the entire book. In-book problems demonstrate mathematical knowledge rather than programming concepts. Not recommended.

Great resource for beginners and above, September 25, 2010
By Monroe E. (california)
Awesome book with a plethora of examples to aid even newest people to the idea of programming. For me, C++ was a new language, but I already knew other languages going in and I was never bored. It is easy to skim through, and the full color examples and defined syntax make everything very clear.

I'm using the book alongside my intro to C++ class as an aid (not required) and the course is almost exactly following the flow of the book.

Detailed explanation: ID 10012

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